Sunday, June 26, 2011

Here we go!

Good Morning Lord,
the sound of thunder is so peaceful today.

I'm glad to have the rain.

Much like snow on the ground, a light rain is so pleasing and relaxing to me.
(Of course, this is something that I'm enjoying now because my 2 children are asleep, I'm sure once they are up the feeling will not be mutual)

This has been a huge week for us in our home.

Kennedy has learned how to ride a bike without training wheels! It is with mixed emotions that I watch her peddle up and down our street. I know that my time with these kids is limited and I cherish every moment. I'm blessed to not only have this time, but have it alone.

Thank you Lord, it is in these moments that I truly realize that maybe this is a part of the bigger scheme of things. I'm blessed Lord, and I still believe.

Have you ever been in a moment where you see that God's hand is at work?
Isn't there a peace about being in that place?

Blessings to you and your home!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hey, just wanting to let you know,
whatever you are going through,
right there in your heart today,
Someone somewhere has survived it,
and God is standing beside you through it.

Are you having a hard weekend?
Sometimes I do too.
And somehow, someway we'll both get
through this.

I decided to take off early on Friday,
begin enjoying a relaxing weekend.
Until I discovered.........
Kennedy had lice, ugh.

Then because I have such a loving family,
so did myself, Ian, my mom and my sister.

So we spent 6 hours yesterday treating each other.
Imagine that picture, it should make you smile.
I'm so thankful for my cousin Amy, who is a nurse,
for coming and helping us out. She stayed until we all
were given the all-clear sign.

But even receiving the all-clear sign is
not the end of the journey.
Today I am still stripping beds,
drying things at the highestheat that my dryer has,
and using the Rid Spray on E V E R Y T H I N G!

If you have ever been where I am,
I will gladly accept any positive comments!
And if you have ever been here, you probably
said what I said "we should have bought stock
in this company!"

Blessings from this side of the computer!
Hoping you and your family are blessed beyond
anything you can dream up!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An Anniversary.

I often find myself looking around and saying, wow.

I look back and remember where I was 1 year ago that exact day, and on the 10th of June last year, he left.

It was a night from hell, and one I hope will be forgotten. But to me it was kind of an anniversary of sorts this year. From the 11th of June on, I had functioned 1 entire year as a single mother. I had endured holidays, first days of school, family trips, dinners, all as a single momma.

I had survived the first year and that was an accomplishment.

So, Lord as I seek to just survive another day, I say Thank You, for it is only by Your grace that I am here today.


Hello my name is Val

Note: This was written about 3 weeks ago, but wanted to let you in on my world...

Tonight was it, the final move.

As I had written in my first post, I’ve been here before.

My first time at blogging became about surviving a life before, during and shortly after a divorce.

Then, I decided to change my focus (thanks to an ill meaning reader).

All along I’ve felt like I couldn’t hide what was me, right now, making me who I was to be tomorrow.

Showing that HIS Rod and HIS Staff protected me each step along the way.

I tried to venture in a different direction, but I kept denying who I truly was…a child of the most High God, finding life after a divorce.

Well, tonight was his final move.

He emptied the garage and the shed of his belongings.


I cried once more.
My heart hurt once more.
My kids begged this man, who once loved them more than life, to play, to watch them, to talk to them and he kept moving his stuff.

He loaded the last of it and began to drive away, Ian tried to watch him as far as he could with his eyes, even running to try to see him a little more.

My insides died, again.

Here I am.


A mommy of 2 really awesome kids, a girl who is on a journey, a divorced woman who wonders a lot of days just “how did I get here”, and a child of God.

You may not agree with my life, or my choices, or the shows I watch and if you don’t I don’t want to know about it. You can find something else to read.

But this is now about me, my life, and who I am finding that I truly am.

Sometimes I cry, sometimes I marvel, and sometimes I just am.

Hi, my name is Val and this is my story.