Friday, April 25, 2014


Sometimes when I need to feel and remember that someone once wanted to share this crazy life with me & the kids I re-read old emails that survived.

I miss that feeling of someone understanding the importance of loving the kids along with me.

Many today are wolves in she eps clothing. Values (or lack of) are no good, language and intentions aren't good, there seems to be a lack of God in their lives.

When I see my lil kids eyes & see their smiles I think why aren't we worth it? Why can't someone see us as important?

Many look at a single girl with 3 kids as someone who has baggage. Someone looking for a sugar daddy (if that's what they call it) but not the case. I make as much if not more than a lot of guys so thats not true either.

Lord, my heart hurts and longs for companionship and conversation and someone to share our life with. The void and hurt is a lot. Lord if YOU can't bring me the one to whom my soul belongs Song of Sol. 3:4. Then Lord could YOU fill that void, that longing, with YOUR love and fullness.

During this time of loneliness it would be easy to slip, but Lord keep my feet planted firmly on YOUR promise that I will not live this life alone and that YOU will bring me someone to love and be loved by. YOU are my deliverer, YOU hold the answers to these questions and the longing of my heart.

I will get through this part of my journey and YOU will be the reason.

Thank YOU for carrying me when I needed it, steading my feet when they shook so badly, for holding my hand when I was/am scared, for being my mentor and my guide through my days. For giving me a heart of compassion and responsibility. For showing up and never leaving me, even when I disappoint YOU. I continually seek YOUR peace. Hold on to me.

I love the Mercy Me song, "Keep Singing", the words are soooo me!! Especially the chorus;

Can I climb up in your lap?
I don't want to leave…

Lord, can I? I need YOU!

I often wonder if the love I felt and lost was my true love and that I should be content with my memories and long no more. But I know that the needs of my children to have a father is close to YOUR heart.

We need YOUR touch and nudge that reminds me that "YOU got this".

Kennedys games begin next week, Ian wants desperately to go fishing & Sophie…well she's not said the word "daddy" in a very long time. 

Lord where they lack a a dads encouragement, fill it with YOU.

Bless us Lord, help us, guide us, grant us favor with YOU and with those around us, only with YOU can we get through this!

In YOUR name, Amen.

Much love,

Thursday, April 24, 2014

My blessings abound!

Tonight Lord I say thank you.
Much love, me.

Neighborhood Kids

This week is seeming to never end.

It's Thursday & it's taken a long time to get here, to be honest I don't feel like I even finished last week.

So come on weekend! I need you!

Yesterday's weather was beautiful!

After work I ran to the grocery store, took the kids to DQ & began work on my front yard! I'm revamping the areas in front of my porch. This is a big thing for me, because since being divorced I've not tackled this kind of project before.

I'm adding Knock Out Roses (double blooming)! I'm really excited & I've put out some Hummingbird Feeders too! I look forward to watching them! Sophie loves birds so that will be fun for her too.

The kids all run up and down the street and play, ride bikes, argue, play ball, whatever crosses their minds. There are about 15 kids in our 2 block radius that come & play on our street. It's great to see (not always great to hear! lol).

There is 1 family in our neighborhood that…well are a rougher kind. I have to watch my kids around them because of their gruffness. I don't like being like that because we are to love and treat all people equally, but my goal in life is to raise and protect my children and so I take that job very seriously.

I hate feeling like this towards children because they can't help the way they are raised, but once again my job is to protect my children. So we have rules when it comes to them.

I don't know if I'm doing right or not but I know some of the issues I've had to deal with and I am guarded with them.

Lord, lead me as I should be doing. Show me how to handle these situations. Let me love them as I should but at the same time protect myself and my children.

Much love,

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My crazy day

Today was a crazy busy day.


Staffing meeting at Ian's school about some issues that have come up with his learning.

Softball practice for Kennedy til 5 PM.

Choir Performance at 6 PM for Kennedy.

It was 7:30 PM before I came home and sat down.

Days like this make my head spin, but my kids are all that matter & so I do these crazy days!

And will do them again and again.

We have ended tonight with sparklers and 3 very tired kids and 1 very very tired momma.

God is good all the time. All the time.

This life can be hard, and overwhelming and too much.

But we get up, hide our brokenness and live life.

There is a popular country song by Miranda Lambert called "Not Your Momma's Broken Heart" that has a line in it that says:

"Run and hide your crazy and start actin' like a lady,
'cause I raised you better, gotta keep it together,
even when you fall apart"

But god knows when we are falling apart inside HE sees under the make up, the nice clothes, behind our smiles, and nice words...HE knows.

And HE loves us anyway. Praise YOU God that I never leave YOUR mind or YOUR heart. YOU stood beside me in the meeting today, when I broke this past weekend, and when my children and I celebrated our 1st Easter dinner alone.

YOUR Grace is amazing.

On these crazy days I am reminded by YOUR promise in Proverbs 19:21;
She knew that many were the plans in her heart
God's purpose would prevail!

Lord lead me on! Help me, show me, lead me, hold me, strengthen me, support me, bless me, grant me favor, wisdom, and love me!

Much love,

Sunday, April 20, 2014


This is the first Easter I can ever remember that I didn't go to church.

This weekend the kids & I have had to deal with a very big issue and church was not some place I could take the time to go to. Did it mean I loved the Lord less? Absolutely not! I'm disgusted that I wasn't able to go, but God understands.

Things I learned this week:

1. Taking a couple days off is necessary at times.
2. Being the house where everyone in the neighborhood comes to, isn't always great.
3. Blood doesn't mean family.
4. This has been the best Easter I can ever remember.
5. Sometimes it's ok being single.
6. Sometime when I get that feeling that I'm going to be okay & make it…its the best ever!
7. God is good all the time, not just on good days, but every single day.
8. I could never ever imagine my life 1 day without my children. Thank YOU Lord! I'm so blessed!
9. Making homemade cheesecake is A W E S O M E!
10. God is good all the time, not just on good days but E V E R Y    S I N G L E     D A Y!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It's the holiday that people come together to share in thanks and EAT!!

Easter has always taken my breath away.

It has always made me say, wow and stand amazed at what God did for me.

Blessed beyond words,

Amazed at my life,

and Clinging to HIS promise of bringing me home to HIS mansion.

HIS promise of raising again, HE fulfilled!

HE keeps HIS promises!

My life isn't perfect, my life is chaotic, crazy, insane, busy, and full of smiles from 3 wonderful kids who argue, fight, drag in mud, make messes, create smells that make you green, that ask a million questions and give me life.

Bless me, love me, hold me, keep me close. Grant us favor Lord. Put a shield of protection around us.

Thanks Lord for not giving up on me & loving me unconditionally.

much love, me.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My faith is in YOU.

Hi Lord.

It's me again. I've had a crazy day again. YOU know all the specifics, but life is too much today.

I learned today that my job was being cut $1400 a year.

I'm blessed to have a job, but the redheaded, short tempered, foul, broken, spoiled girl that I am wants to stomp my feet and shake my fist. I want to just scream this isn't fair!

I asked YOU to show up. I asked that I be able to scream…"My GOD did this for me!". But I didn't wanna have to deal with another setback to do it. Guess I was wanting it on my terms again wasn't I.

One day I will learn that is not how YOU work.

It will be ok I know it will. YOU told me that. But right now I'm really just tired of having to put my big girl panties on and deal with this life, I wanna find my peace and I will keep searching til I find it. I know it's out there, and I know its through YOU. I know YOU are about to do something amazing in my life and touch the kids and I in an amazing way. I just know it.

Not sure how my household budget will be able to take a $1400 cut, but YOU can feed the thousands with bread & fish, so my faith is in YOU.

'Til later Lord,
Much love,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Here I am, Send me.

Hi Father,

It's me.

My house is quiet, the only noise is the fan & the barking dogs from outside. Lord, I've not been feeling well lately, this cold got me down. I'll be ok, but emotionally I feel like I'm a mess.

Lord. Sometimes the loneliness is just a lot to handle. I put on the smile, wear the right clothes, hair done, and yet inside I'm crumbling.

This all takes me back to that place years ago when I prayed in church, Lord, send me. I didn't know that I would lose a husband, have a baby, and face more heart ache. I've been so blessed on my journey. I don't have words or even enough numbers to name them all. YOU know my hearts desire & I do not fail to recognize my blessings & especially where they come from.

Keep my head above the water Lord. I need to feel your presence so desperately right now. I wanna see YOUR work & scream from the mountain top…"see what MY God did!"!

Bless me Father, this I pray,
much love, me.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Things I learned this week...

  1. Having a cold really sucks.
  2. That getting the bus tracks wiped off your back from where someone threw you under the bus at work is hard.
  3. This softball season is going to be a long one since Sophie is mobil.
  4. That people who are caught in the act of hurting me don't like being caught.
  5. That Spring is really going to happen this year!
  6. That coming back from a vacation makes me need a vacation even more.
  7. That I miss someone so terribly who has recently passed away. I miss him more than I ever ever thought I would have. Healing from it is something I'm not sure I will be able to do.
  8. God is still alive & has a place in my life and in my home.
  9. That Sophie has learned to roll her eyes. Dear God!
  10. Watching Ian try to clean Sophie's face off was the funniest thing I've seen in a long while.
  11. Sophie could teach us all something about life…she walks up to fake flowers & smells them & says "mmmm". Maybe we should all smell the flowers of life that way- expecting them to smell beautiful.

Have a beautiful weekend my friend.

Much love,

Friday, April 11, 2014

Just don't know how to live...

My neighbor lady lost her husband a couple years ago. It has been a very difficult loss for her to cope with. But God gave her me and HE gave me to her. We share a similar walk. One that is filled with a lot of first and how do we, and loneliness. but neither of us had the choice of the path our lives took so we deal and survive (if that is what you call it).

The storm we had a week ago was terrible, and she said "I know you were worried about me", I said "yes I was". She said, "I'm not worried about dying, I'm ready. I'm ready to see Jim, my mom, my dad & my sister. I'm ready".

I told her, me too. Not that I want to die anytime soon, but if God reached out HIS hand and said "Val", I'd take it in a heartbeat.

See a broken heart will do that to you.

She quickly spoke up and said, "your kids need you", when I explained what I meant to her, she understood and was relieved. She knows some of my heartbreak, but just the surface stuff.

God has a purpose for everything, and I don't doubt 1 minute HE isn't concerned whether I'm happy or not. I'm HIS daughter, I know HE is. But HE also knows the deep crevices of my heart and the pain that is in there. HE knows the questions, the doubts, the longing of my heart. HE knows it all. I share it with HIM. HE knows the good, the bad, the terrible decisions I've made, the empty words I've spoken, and the words that I spoke with EVERY single part of my body. HE knows me like none other.

I survived my divorce by praying, "God keep me non-emotional". I truly believed that was how I made it through. That and the fact that I went into lock down mode and pushed people away until I could breathe again and stand up.

I've become that person again. I'm in survival mode. I know this isn't living, but a person has to survive and I will find life after I heal a bit. For now, I survive.

I often wonder about Joseph, and if he had to go into survival mode to get through it? he didn't once say he wanted to give up, that he wanted to throw in the towel and I don't believe I ever read about him throwing a tantrum. He took his lot in life and lived it. That's not survival mode, that is a kind of thanksgiving.

Maybe I'm making a terrible mistake by living like this, I don't know. All I know is I have this crazy job, and 3 kids that depend on me for everything. I don't get a day off to have myself one hell of a pity party. So I dig in and survive.

Lord, I am thankful for it all! For the hurt and the pain, I know that at those points in my life that I moved beyond surviving and was living. I'm thankful for the ways I grew in YOU. I'm thankful for the ability to survive today. I'm thankful for YOUR Grace. And Lord, as YOUR daughter, I say this humbly…I hurt DAD. I don't want to be brave anymore, I don't want to be strong anymore. I'm tired. Help me hold on and help me find hope. YOU love me like nothing else so I know that I will be okay and YOU will help me get through this day. Thanks DAD.

Much Love,

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

today's prayer

Today the weight of my cold has hit, plus I've not been sleeping well these last 2 nights so basically I'm a mess.

I need to focus on YOU Sweet Lord. Just YOU.

Lord, lift me up. I'm down. Tears are close to the surface. Change the hurt they represent. Lord, lift me up emotionally and let me fly again with the eagles. Their view is amazing and I need my view back.

Lord, sustain me when I find myself stumbling to breathe, to walk, to function, to doubt myself as a mom, sustain my self esteem. Let me remember I was chosen…by YOU. YOU said, "her the one with the hurts and scars from the future she hasn't lived yet, I want her". YOU said, "I will be her defender, her vindicator, I will stand in place of her sins, I will keep her tears in a bottle for her. I will love her, she is MY daughter". YOU took me before I was known in this ugly world. YOU love me unconditionally. YOU want me, good days, bad days, on days when I don't recognize myself, YOU say, "it's her I love". When I stomp my feet and question YOU, YOU still say "let it out, I still love you, no matter what".

Lord, when I find myself thinking I'm without a purpose and a mess of an ambassador for YOUR Magnificent Kingdom, gently (if possible) lead me back to YOU being my focus.

Lord, I'm a momma. Help me Lord. I didn't have the best example growing up, so let me be a good momma to my kids and the kids around me. Lord, my home isn't mine. I know that. It's YOURS. Use it for YOUR greatness Lord. But Lord, could I ask that there be love in between the walls?

There is a part in the movie Under the Tuscan Sun when the main character talks about her home and how she had a vision of a wedding there, feeding lots of people, and a family growing strong within its walls. As the movie progresses and ends there is a wedding there, not hers but someone she loves very much, she feeds lots of people there often, and the family growing strong within its walls is her best friend and her newborn baby that moved in. Everything she wished for happened, but not the way she thought they would. But in a better way. She fell in love and all was happy in the end.

Lord, this life isn't like I thought it would be. I didn't think I'd be divorced at 41 yo and raising 3 kids under the age of 10 alone. I don't know where I am, I feel like I'm standing still and the world is swirling around me and I don't know how the move. I don't know what choices to make So Lord, I need you to make my steps for me, make my choices for me, take my hand, like I do Sophie's and lead me on watching out for me every step of the way.

I'm scared Lord. The unknown seems to suffocate me at times. Be my breath when that happens. I'm like Peter stepping out of the boat, I'm focusing on YOU because the waters I've fell into when I looked away are cold, and hurt. I'm reaching for YOUR hand, pull me up please.

Together, with YOU leading me I can get through this crappy day. I'm here, still believing.

much love, me.

Monday, April 7, 2014

I'm still here Lord, still believing

I came to work today and faced a mountain.

A mountain of paperwork and envelopes that each contained more work, 13 voice mails, and over 100 emails needless to say I don't need to be writing I need to be working.

But my mind has wandered and my heart is stuck.

See I seen his name again today. I don't know how it keeps popping up I thought I had deleted all the emails, and removed all the contact information. But seeing it made me click & open that email. It said "I will always love you" and thats when my heart stopped.

I can delete the emails, and all the information and remove it from my sight, but I can't remove it from my heart.

A million questions and they are all unanswered.

I remember telling him often about not giving up, about focusing, about staying the course and having so much to fight for. But somewhere things went way off course and turned badly.

I don't know the extent of the truth and the untruth (lie is such an ugly word).

I just remind myself that Romans 8:28 tells me that "all things God works for the good of those who love HIM, who have been called according to HIS purpose." Me being in this situation was God's purpose or I wouldn't have been here. In fact if you had shown me the magic 8 ball ahead of time I'd said, 'thanks but no thanks'.

So someway, somehow this will all work out & God will be glorified.

I think about the others that were there DrJ, I miss his words of encouragement. I laugh when I say that that to myself because at times they were hard to hear. His chastisement was always in a loving way & as bad as it was to hear, you knew there was a lesson to be learned & best not miss the chance to take a hold of it. I knew from the first time I heard his name that he was heaven sent, but I could never have guessed the impact he would have on my life.

I feel like this post has sent me backwards, but this remembering is part of the healing. Somedays I think I'm going to be okay, and other days I am not sure what 'okay' really is.

Lord, I'm a mess of clay, and YOU are the potter. Mold me, make me, this is what I pray.

I'm no good for anyone else if YOU aren't a part of me. I may have lost my way for a little while, but I'm working to learn from things and to heal to be a better me. Help me Lord.

Much love,

Thank You

Friday night I went to dinner with my friend Jennifer.

We are both single momma's, with 3 children, good jobs, hateful momma's, and crazy lives.

Jennifer & I were in school at the same time, but theater brought us together as friends. As we shared our stories of divorce, we realized our paths were very similar. Insanely similar. A man-boy, who became a dad, who didn't want that life anymore left us with the responsibility of raising the kids.

So we finally decided it's time, dinner for us!

Our ride over and back & every second in between was filled with uh-huh, or omg's or laughter! It was soooo needed! We were able to share battle scars that others can't see, and hurts and frustrations that many wouldn't understand.

We asked each other, "what do you think?" and knew that the answer was coming from someone who stood in the other's shoes.

Lord, thank YOU for Jennifer and for making all the pieces fall in place so that I could have dinner with her that night. It was more than food for dinner, it was food for my soul. It made me feel like I belonged and wasn't alone in this journey.

Being a single mom is not something everyone understands. It's hard every day. Staying a float is difficult, financially and emotionally. I didn't share my recent hurt, but she knows its there. She didn't ask either, but she knows.

In the quietness of this moment before my hurried world begins, I enjoy my coffee and breathe in YOUR Grace once again. YOUR Greatness. YOUR Majesty.

Someday's I find myself saying…"what did I do to deserve this?" and other days I say "what did I do to deserve this?" but in a much softer tone. Then I remember I did nothing other than say "YES" to YOUR Forgiveness and accept YOU as my FATHER.

My Father, my defender, my vindicator, my protector, my unconditional love.

Thank YOU Sweet Jesus!

Much love,

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Things I learned this week:

  1. I miss my kids terribly when they are at their dads.
  2. I think I might make it.
  3. When someone from the church nursery gives you a pager in case your child has a breakdown, you might wanna ask how it works.
  4. Naps are important.
  5. God gives all provisions!
  6. Making a big dinner for kids sucks.
  7. Sophie has new words: hot dogs and french fries.
  8. Sophie can fit in Ian's suitcase.
This was a great week! It had it's ups & downs emotionally but all in all, I really enjoyed it. 
Time with the kids was much needed.
Thank YOU Lord. 

Good Morning Lord

Good morning Lord,

I see through the blinds that the sun is shining & its going to be a pretty day.

I've got Sophie in the tub, had to after a round of fruit loops!

And yes Lord, we are planning on church.

Lord, Please Please Please let her go to the nursery.

I seen on fb where a friend of mine's young daughter had a baby. Lord, her family was so supportive! I wish mine were that way with Sophie. I never want her to know how they felt about her before she was born, but Lord…ugh is all I can say.

I have to forgive them for their actions and their words. After all it was YOUR Son who said it best when HE said "Father Forgive them for they know not what they do". How would they know years later that the words they said still cut to the core and that it was never forgotten.

I think about that and wonder about my own actions towards others. Have I done or said things to others that have been hurtful and long lasting? If so I beg for forgiveness from YOU and them. I cannot go to every person in my life and ask, so I simply implore for forgiveness.

I know that hurtful feelings and hard times often make us short with one another. As is the case with my cousin & her family who have betrayed me by going to my ex-husband. I forgive them because they don't know what they have done. They are unchurch, and being led not by YOU but by their selfish desires. Lord, let me know when I am being led by my selfishness and not by YOU, convict me and let me set straight the wrong path.

Lord, bless us today. Kennedy & Ian with a shield of protection and all of us with YOUR great love, favor and blessing.

Much love,

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Our Saturday

Today my Sophie & I traveled about an hour for a flea market.

It was awesome & guess what I found?

It is perfect on my porch! I'm so excited!

We took a little bit of the scenic route & made it back just as our energy levels started to drop from the colds that we both have.

So now we are bundled up on the couches, her asleep & me snuggled up under a quilt.

I did clean the kitchen, and make a cheese ball for the basketball games (not really into basketball, but love the excitement!), but the rest of the house can wait.

Anyway this week has been terrific! We've had a lot of really great times! 
Thank YOU Lord for blessing us with this time together! I could not ask for more!

This is Sophie self-feeding! She had no idea she had a fruit loop on her head!

Well a couple pics of all the flooding in are town, guess Kennedy's softball
 won't be starting Tuesday (shucks!)

So until later…much love!

me (& Sophie too)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Just thoughts, random...

So last night the weather got BAD!!!!

Really Bad!

We are located under the blue box.

Our area was it by a Tornado 2 years ago & 6 people died and 1/2 of our town was destroyed.

I had the weather radio on & then at 10 PM or so the neighbor called (they live in a trailer) and she and her family came over as well & we hunkered down in the hallway. It was a long hour. Sirens, lots of thunder & lightening. HORRIBLE. But we made it unscathed and thanked the Lord & then begged Sophie to close her eyes & go to sleep again.

As the weather got worse and worse, all my single momma-ville moms crossed my minds. Even those who are married but the work force for their husbands is so demanding that they live the life of a single momma.

Thank YOU Lord for protecting us & keeping us safe.

I've lived in this neighborhood my entire life (minus 1 yr in TN), and I have only known the ditch to overflow 1 other time, last night was the 2nd time I've ever seen it do it. It poured so hard all night long.

Lord, you give and you take away. The rain came & in the morning as I look out my window so did the birds chirping, and the quietness of the day at this hour (because everyone else is asleep). Lord, I know that in my life that I am seeking the dawning of the next phase of my life. I am seeking peace, and contentment, and understanding that comes ONLY from YOU! YOU ALONE.

My "I wanna know" mentality is struggling to BE STILL, so like the kids on our trip I'm wiggling in my seat screaming "how much longer"! But YOU are the driver & YOU have the map of my life & YOU know where I am headed & how great it will be once I get there!

Thank YOU Lord for helping me survive, not just last night but every single second!

Much love,

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Not Ready...

I'm not ready yet to love.

I've tried to rush it by doing the "sites" hoping that someone else might make the hurt go away.

They won't.

I just hurt


its ok.

Maybe someday seeing your name won't hurt so much.

Maybe someday hearing that song won't hurt so much.


But for now it does.

For now I have to heal, my subscription thing on those sites are just for a bit longer & then I will not be rejoining. But until then I will not be visiting them. I have to heal and I cannot heal by making things worse.

I have to trust God that I will be okay & heal from all this.

But for now I hurt.

My kids help me, but today when I seen your name pop up, my heart stopped and I couldn't do anything but look at it.

Just keep me close Lord.

much love,

Spring Break

We are on Spring Break!!! (1/2 way through to be exact, shhhh not telling Ian!)

This week so far has been amazing!

I've had no less than 6 kids here every day!

I've bandaged knees, made cookies, wrestled kids, broken up arguments, fed, fed, and fed more and more kids, watched sunsets, listened to laughter and had my heart warmed by each one of them.

This is what living in momma-ville is about.

My house is a mess, and I have a Dish Network guy coming today to do some changes so I have to clean up before 1 PM but not in any rush.

I'm a mom, living an insane crazy life, healing a broken heart, finding God in the most unusual places, and rejoicing every single second of it.

Thank God for coffee, for the quietness of this moment, for my crazy kids, and for my life.

I complain, I cry, I beg, I wonder, I wish, I hurt, I am a mom. A single mom living in Momma-ville.

I'm not the greatest at anything, but I live a great life because of God and because of 3 really great kids.

Thanks Lord for giving me what I needed and not what I deserved.

Much love,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Just right!

Last night I asked Ian, do you think we are poor?

He said no.

I asked, do you think we are rich?

He said, "no mom, I think we are just right."

Thank you Lord I needed that.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

We survived and lived to tell!

As I type this my house is being over ran with kids. 6 as a matter of fact.

But dealing with 6 children running all over pales in comparison to the last 24 hours.

I took my 3 kids and traveled 3 hours away to French Lick, IN to an indoor water park & spent the night.


we survived!

I'm so proud of myself, I know that I was able to do it because God granted me everything I needed.

What did I learn in these last 24 hours:

  1. All children need luggage on wheels.
  2. Sophie needs the harness that allows small children to walk & still stay close to the parents…you know like the kid on a leash thing. (I NEVER thought I would ever use one of those, but then again I never thought I'd be a single mom of 3 kids, one being 1 yo.)
  3. Take more food.
  5. Take more pictures.
  6. All children need water shoes.
  7. Staying in the same hotel as the water park is by far the smartest decision in a long while!
  8. Remember that the kids are ALWAYS a blessing even if they are throwing a fit because you are having to drag them from the water park.
It was an awesome trip that I am absolutely EXHAUSTED from.

Thank you Lord Jesus! We are so blessed!!!

Much love, 