I look at Ms. Sophie & think you are not mine. You are HIS! You are God's gift to me for a specific amount of time, to raise and to love.
I look at her big little feet and think those feet will see and go places I could not even dream of, they will walk the path that is chosen by HIM, they will enlarge a Kingdom that one day we will all meet in, they will be blessed and be granted favor by HIM.
I'm blessed to have this little bright eye'd at 3 AM little girl.
So these days of being tired at 9 AM, load and loads of laundry & dishes, and constant messiness will all pass. One day my house will be quiet and I will be without these blessings I call my mess makers and I won't know what to do. This for right now is my calling, I may spend a good portion of my day being an Administrative Assistant but my real job is being a momma.
Thank you so much for blessing me today with this little bundle of joy (who was really bright eyed at 3 AM today), for the little guy who is so excited to be carrying his Luden's cough drops to school today, and for my big little girl who is acting much beyond her 8.5 yrs old. How could I have ever imagined their impact on my life!
Love, Me!