In 1 week I have: been to the doctor 3 times, ER 1 time, not ate a meal other than stale cheerios & pudding, dealt with a bank/home insurance issue, and been served with paperwork from Sophie's grandparents who are seeking visitation with her.
I'm emotionally gone, my body is exhausted from the weight of the stress that these 7 days have given me. I have nothing left to give.
The fact that I blink and breathe is a miracle of God.
I begged God to remove me from this situation and yet I face the rising sun today.
I begged God to grant me the answer as to "why", and yet I hear the spinning of the ceiling fans.
I don't know why I have had such a time lately, I hope that it's because HE loves me & is holding me close.
YOU are all I have Lord.
Bless me please.