So last weekend Kennedy asked if we could start going to church on Wednesday nights. Awe! I thought! How terrific! YES I wanted to scream & jump around! But being cool and calm I said, absolutely!
As terrific as it was on Sunday, it was rough last night.
I say this to give you an idea of the wrestling match that in sued in my pew, there was no childcare and it was creeping up on bedtime. Wasn't a good idea.
I realized that I have to start saying NO to running to every single place that I feel I have to go to or that the kids feel they have to go to.
Even as wonderful as the idea of being in church on a Wednesday night is, for a single mom of 3 kids (and often more with the neighborhood kids too) I simply can't pull it off.
I am a slow learner and maybe in the fall when Wednesday night childcare starts up again we will try it again. UGH.
My heart says I wanna, but in the end of the day I just am not the person I need to be to pull off another night like last night.
Please help me figure this out Lord!
Much love, me.