I have
to find me again…I somehow forget her and lose her when someone new comes in
the picture. Like the best part of me is lost trying to create a “me” that
someone else will like because…well the real me is flawed. I feel I need to
keep her hidden, but the odd thing is when I realize she is gone, I want her
back so badly….
Wow even
typing that is hard to follow.
The Sara
Evans song, “A Little Bit Stronger” is my go to heart broke song. It’s a
journey through grieving put to music. I’m at the part where the words say
“And I'm done hoping that we
can work it out,
I'm done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
you drag my heart around.”
me! I’m done. I’m done thinking that maybe he will miss me enough to say “hi,
I’ve missed you terribly”. It won’t come and that’s ok.
had a friend I went on a date with text me the other night about my opinion on
a girl we both mutually knew. I asked him the next day after they had met up
how it went, he said he thought good, he would know more if she contacted him
asked him “does rejection bother you?” His reply was so spot on true…”not
anymore to me. If someone doesn’t want to be a part of my life then I’m ok. I
have been through too much cheating and heartbreaks and I would certainly
rather not go through it again.”
reply…”I need tougher skin!”
that night my friend Jen, who is amazing, said “Val I kept settling just so I
wouldn’t be bored or alone. I’d say I was ok with being alone but down deep I
knew I wasn’t being truthful.”
as women, and as men, have to know our worth. We have to know that the person
in the mirror, with their flaws, is priceless and valuable. Period. No changes
love it that my friends can come over and I don’t feel like I need to stuff
crap in closets and hide things to make it look like I don’t have a crazy insane
I have 3 children.
single parent.
work full-time.
house is going to look lived in, because it is!
men who have came into my life recently have been very judgmental (who isn’t
right!)! But what I need to realize is that their judgments show how short
sighted they are and not how accepting of my life they can be.
think I’m very observant and try to be very sensitive to things and peoples
emotions, but some in this world simply ARE NOT.
hope to have better discernment in allowing people in my life, and the lives of
my children, that treat us better. That are encouragers and positive influences
to us. Who love the Lord as much or more than I do.
have so much hope for myself in the midst of my brokenness. I prayed yesterday
for resurrection and I know that it is a process and I’m knee deep in the muck
and mire. It will be ok, maybe not this exact minute, but it will eventually.