I had this crazy thought.
I thought maybe I would take a vacation that would make all of my little family happy.
I rented a cabin on a lake near a water park that is FAN-tastic!
Got the idea to make my kids happy I should let them have a friend to come with.
So the day came, we took off.
Got there, me with my 5 kids in tow.
I was doing it.
Then a vertigo panic attack happened and hell entered my world quickly.
Here I was in the most beautiful place that I felt I so desperately needed, 5 beautiful kids and I was in a mental hell. It all became real. I could not do this alone. I couldn't. My independent nature couldn't pull me through.
I had to rely on God for every thought, for every breath, for every single thing.
I realized that I could not do this. I could not make these kids happy. I couldn't.
God did.
God pulled me through and led me back home.
Now let me tell you that in 2nd Corinthians 12 Paul reminded me, yes he reminded me!!!, that when I am weak God is strong. God is glorified when I ____ (had my panic attack and was driving a car) (couldn't decide what to do) (got lost coming home and drove 80 miles out of the way)(when I cam home and the dogs hadn't been let out) (when I realized the dog ate a couch cushion) and the list goes on and on.... God YOU get the glory!!!
God YOU brought us home from a beautiful place! YOU gave us memories that make us laugh and good stories to tell.
Thank YOU Lord for this time we had together, no matter what!!! No matter what!!!!
I'm so in love with YOU Lord because YOUR saving Grace saves me again and again and again!!!
Much love, Me.