Thursday, February 6, 2020

Just a Thursday

Good morning! It's a Thursday morning here, I took today off to meet with my friend Shelly.

We have a long long past and its one of grace and forgiveness and love, all the best friends have that kind of past.

She moved away to Baton Rouge and we keep in contact nearly weekly.

I'm excited to step away from my desk and the demands and spend it smiling with my friend.

I thought about that this morning as I listen to Louie Giglio talk about how God feels about us.

HE would delight that I would spend every day looking forward to it the way I look forward to this one.

Smiling, happy and ready to love my friend.

Instead I often find myself still inside my castle walls. Somedays still putting more blocks up to either build the walls taller or even worse making them thicker.

Lately I've tried to look out the windows of my castle in hopes of finding what my soul longs for, but the view I see makes me duck back down and stay hidden.

I keep thinking that God is going to bring a day soon that will leave me tearing down those walls and walking outside of them.

Last night my friend Dawn asked if I needed anything, I told her "a vacation", she said "Spring Break?" I said "no I will spend Spring Break at a conference in Atlanta talking about where the best locations for Summer Food Mobile sites are and how to make those sites happen". She said "I'm so proud of you for doing that, it shows your heart and passion for this".

I went last April and spoke in front of a group of people about Summer Food Program too, and I will this year as well. When. you love something you do its easy to talk about it.

I'm that way about God, I love HIM so much. I could talk about HIM all day, everyday saying things like "then God did this...", or "and it was all God". God has provided me with everything I've needed in this life, and more. I can't help but smile when I talk about HIM.

This morning Pricillia Schirer said "Girl who is your daddy?" Mine a sovereign ruler who is madly in love with me. HE delights in me. HE is happy with my yesterday and HE is looking forward to seeing my reaction to what HE does today.

Lord, as I step into this day, may I lay on the window sill of my castle and glare out onto the world YOU created for me to love. May I see the love YOU want me to find. May I smile bigger than anything else  for any other reason than just because I see YOUR fingerprints on my view.

Lord, love me today and give me love to give and let me smile for all the right reasons. Bless me Father, my mind, my mouth, my heart, hands and feet. May all I do be for YOU!! Bless me so I can bless someone else.

Much love,