Hi Lord, It's been a doozie of a day. I had a horrible meeting at the end of a really stressful day, then home to 7 kids, nerves shot.
It seems this world has gone crazy over this Corona Virus and things are shutting down at a massive rate. Entire States are closing schools. Professional teams and games are being shut down. This is crazy. Apparently toilet paper and paper towels are a hot commodity and lysol isn't available in any store.
Lord, this is a lot. Lord this is a lot for today.
I just am without words tonight because my mind is so shot from today.
I don't know how to do this. This hysteria and being a mom of 3, Lord guide me, Lord, protect us as a family and put YOUR shield around us.
Speak Lord, let me hear YOUR voice again.
I love you Lord.
XOXO me.